• Eclipse
  • Mirage
  • SP & Collab
  • Sunset
  • SP & Collab
  • Sunset
  • Eclipse
  • Leah MZ

    Sakura Ayane

    Birthday 11th of Sun month

    Height 145cm

    It’s hard to set off a transparent jacket, but Leah’s done just that, wrapping her pure, sweet heart in crafty cunning.

    In order to make the best use of her vacation, she’s happened to bind the minds and hearts of humans and demihumans. Sandboxes, castles, and fresh fruit supplies; she’s trying to create new memories to make up for the lost time she couldn’t spend with her brother…

    After the sand castles have blown away, the promise Leah and Lio made this summer vacation will carry on. It’ll last forever…